CLEANING – Ranjan Agri Tech Fri, 21 Apr 2023 04:13:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CLEANING – Ranjan Agri Tech 32 32 Vibro Seperator Tue, 21 Mar 2023 10:38:16 +0000 SPECIFICATION I ESPECIFICACION / ESPECIFICACAO
Model / modelo : ST527R-L
Motor (x1) : 1 HP
Capacity / Capacidad / Capacidade : 4,0 – 5,0 t/h* (Normal) / (+/-) 4,0 t/h* (Plansifter)



1.Facility/ Facilidad / Facilidade

ST527R facilitates final classification of Mix rice by length grader. Rotary shifter works before length grader in case of SATAKE System.

ST527R facilita ialtjma clasificacian de arroz Mixto por la maquina cilindrica Trieur. Por sistema SATAKE, cernidor rotativo opera antes de clasificadora cilindrica Trieur.

ST527R facilita Ultima classificacao de arroz Misto pela maquina cilindrica Trieur. Pelo sistema SATAKE, peneira rotativa opera antes de classificadora cilindrica Trieur.

2 . Application / Aplicacion I Aplicacao

Applicable to one compartment Plansifter for grits separation after maize degermer VBF (Not suitable for flour. Necessary to change his structure for Plansifter).

Aplicable como se fuese mono-canal Plansifter para grits luego de desgerminadora VBF (No adecuado para harina. Hay necesidad del cambio de su estructura para transformar a mono-canal Plansifter).

Aplicavel como se fosse mono-canal Plansifter para grits depois de degerminador de milho VBF (Nao adequado para farinha. Ha necessidade de alteracao de sua estrutura para transformar a mono-canal Plansifter).

Rice Fine Cleaner Tue, 21 Mar 2023 09:51:48 +0000 The Ranjan Cleaner Machine (GCM) is a universal machine which s well suited for pre cleaning of many different species of grains & heavy seeds. It is also ideal to dress malting barley & milling grain to the highest quality.



Tehnical Data Type GCM-1200 GCM-1500 C-1500 SC-1500
Motor,Blower HP 7.5 10.0 10.0 10.0
Motor,Sieve Boat HP 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
No. of frames PCS. 7.0 13.0 13.0
*Capacity TPH 4.0-6.0 8.0-12.0 10.0-15.0


Top mounted Air extraction unit for best aspiration.

Stepless variable air controls.

Easily changeable sieves with large surface area

As the machine is dynamically balanced hence there is no vibration.

Specially designed rubber balls/beaters to check seive perforation clogging.

Low noise, low vibration, perfect dust collection & long life.

De-Stoner Tue, 21 Mar 2023 09:02:24 +0000 The Ranjan Agri Tech Destoner SGA separates stones and heavy impurities from grains, utilizing bulk density differences.
Rigid, heavy-duty construction with thicker steel plates and a sturdy frame ensures long life.
This is the ideal machine for separating stones from grains in an efficient, trouble-free manner.

Model SGA5B-T SGA10B-7 SGA15BD-T
Paddy 3 7 10</td
Brown Rice 5 10 15</td
Wheat 5~7 7~13 12~18</td
Required Motor (kW) 0.37kWx2, 0 .75kWxl 0.3kWx2, 0.75kWx1 0.3kWX2, 0.75kWX1</td
Air Volurne(m3imin.) 80~90 120~140 180~2101</td
Static Pressure (kPa) -0.7 -0.7 -0.7</td




1. Stone Discharging and Resort Mechanism:
The discharged stones from the primary sieves contain some grains. This mixed fraction is sent to the secondary sieve by a pneumatic transfer system, using a built-in fan, Stones are concentrated and discharged.

2. Very Low Maintenance:
Heavy-duty construction, permanent lubrication and easy access to sieves for cleaning or replacement result in very low maintenance.

3. Compact Design:
The Ranjan Agri Tech Destoner is a compact unit and requires less installation space. The vibratory drive eliminates the need for any pulleys, belts, eccentric bearings, etc. and contributes to the improved sanitation in plants.

Model W (mm) L (mm) H (mm) Net Weight (kg)

*Dimensions with secondary sorting device

All Ranjan Agri Tech products are the subject of continuous development and, as a result, their specification may change and differ in detail from those shown.

Paddy Pre Cleaner Tue, 21 Mar 2023 07:29:44 +0000 The Ranjan Paddy Pre Cleaner (GVC) is used modern pre-cleaning and Cleaning Sections, this machine can accurately seperate Oversized impurities and part of the Immature Grains from Paddy, Wheat,Soyabean and several other Grains or Cereals. The Self-Clean system, ensures optimum efficiency during the production cycle.

Description VC-90 VC-125 VC-180 VC-240 VC-300
Power Required in HP 1.5 1.5 2 3 3
Capacity perhou r in Tonnes 1-1.5 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Nett Weight in Kgs 400 600 800 1000 400
Note :

Capacities are only indicative and have been specified for Wheat only and therefore may vary for different commodities.
In View of Improvements in design, Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.



Deck inclination, stroke and angle of throw are easily adjustable.
Flexible multi-element springs ensure minimum or negligible main structure vibration.
Automatic Screen cleaning by means of Rubber ball tray system.
Trouble free performance due to the use of unbalanced vibratory motors.
Minimum maintenance with no lubrication required.
Easy access to screens for cleaning and changing.

Paddy Separator Thu, 04 Jul 2019 18:12:19 +0000 The Ranjan Paddy Pre-Cleaner (RPS) is a universal machine for segregation of rice  and unhulled paddy in rice mill.With its modern technology and high capacity of intake,Ranjan paddy Pre-Cleaner became one of the best machine in industry.

Model PS2000 PS4000 PS8000/DR
Required Power (kW) 0.75(4P) 2.2(4P) 3.7(4P)
onput Capacity(t/h)*1 2~2.5 3.5~5 7~10
Model W (mm) L(mm) H(mm) Volume(m3)
PS2000 1,330 1 ,760 2,220 970 5.7
P84000 2,230 1,870 2,240 1,670 9.4
PS8000/DR 3,130 1,760 2,360 2,250/2,300 14.0


1. Stable Performance:
Adjustment during operation is not necessary because of its constant and stable separating performance.

2. Minimized Installation Space:
Compact design and large capacity means that installation space for a given separating capacity is very small.

3. Automatic Stop Device:
Machine automatically stops when the tank is nearly empty.

4. Easy Sampling:
Samples of brown rice can be taken from a special outlet by diverter valves, for easy inspection of quality and flow rate.

5. Easy Inspection of Separating Condition:
The discharge side is covered with a transparent cover so that the separating conditions of the grain are easily checked.

6. Easy Flow Adjustment:
Flow rates are adjusted by a manual remote lever on “D” model and by increase / decrease buttons on “DR” model.
